J J Cahill Memorial High School

Honour - Excellence - Responsibility - Opportunity

Telephone02 9669 5118


Stage 5

Stage 5 Overview


By the end of Stage 5 students respond to and compose a comprehensive range of imaginative, factual and critical texts using different modes and technologies. They enjoy, reflect on, critically assess and articulate processes of response and composition. They respond to and compose a wide range of simple and complex texts for pleasure, critical analysis and information-gathering, varying their approach according to a text's purpose, audience and context. They focus on details of texts to analyse meaning, perspective, cultural assumptions, ideologies and language.

Students use varying technologies to compose texts. They apply their knowledge of the elements that shape meaning in texts. They use a range of strategies to shape their texts to address purpose and audience in different contexts. They conform to or challenge an audience's preconceptions and expectations about content and form, and they evaluate the effectiveness of each approach. Students display a developing personal style in their personal, imaginative, critical and analytical compositions. They work through the composing process, including planning, researching, drafting, conferencing, editing and publishing. Students reflect on their composing process and how it has affected the final version of their text.

Students respond to texts from different cultures that offer a range of perspectives. In considering possible meanings, they develop sustained interpretations supported by evidence and think creatively beyond the text. They infer and interpret, and investigate the similarities and differences between and among texts. Through close and wide engagement with texts students extend their imaginations and engage with images of their real and imagined worlds. They respond imaginatively and critically to verbal and visual imagery and iconography, considering how these and other features reflect the cultural context of the text. By critically evaluating texts, students identify strengths and weaknesses and are able to articulate coherent responses. From their responses to individual texts they generalise about views of the world and strategies that are used to communicate and sustain such views.

Students reflect on their own and others' learning, assessing learning strategies and purposes to adapt their knowledge, understanding and skills to new contexts.


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

Year 9

Representations of War

Hana's Suitcase, posters, war footage, war poetry and songs


Speaking and Reading 




Documentary Handbook and various documentaries


Reading & Writing

Half Yearly Exam

Novel Study

To Kill A Mockingbird, Hunger Games,


Representing & Writing



Drama Scripts, Parody Booklet, YouTube clips, movies, articles, cartoons


Writing - Yearly Exam


Year 10

Representations of Shakespeare

Macbeth or R&J and a modern appropriation



Close Study of Poetry

Faculty Poetry Handbook


Reading & Writing – Half Yearly Exam and in class

Analytical Essay

Close Study of an Author

Of Mice and Men





Listening and Reading

Creative & Essay Writing/Popular Culture


Film study – Mean Girls/Breakfast Club

Puberty Blues


Yearly Examination


Year 10

The Year 10 course extends the skill and knowledge development from the previous year of study. The units studied in this year are increasingly complex and require students to expand their understanding of the origins of Drama and how these historical influences are reflected in modern performances.

Assessment in Year 10 has an increasing emphasis on independent work and           individual performance in order to best prepare students for the demands of senior studies.


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4


Commedia dell'Arte





Original Monologue

Group Devised Performance

Scripted Performance

Yearly Exam

*Please note, the information contained on these pages is subject to change. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the content is updated and correct we recommend you consult the Head Teacher of each faculty to ensure up to date and accurate information.

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