J J Cahill Memorial High School

Honour - Excellence - Responsibility - Opportunity

Telephone02 9669 5118


Careers Hub

J J Cahill MHS facilitates students' career development by providing a range of structured opportunities for students to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours required to access career, education and training opportunities.

Teachers assist students' career development by providing opportunities for:

  • careers education within classes 
  • careers excursions and expos
  • individual careers counselling
  • integrated career learning across the school
  • structured workplace learning

Assisting Career Development

The resources within this page are considered to be essential for assisting career development for secondary students but can apply to anyone.

Students are supported to self-access a range of careers resources and tools found below which enable them to actively engage in career exploration, planning, and management to ensure they gain direction and ownership of their lives.

Parents and carers can assist their child's career development by talking with them in a supportive manner. Helpful information on how to do this can be found at the myfuture assist your child page

Anyone wishing to assist students' career development can visit the myfuture assist others page

Influences on Career Decisions

 Career Quizzes

The Adventures of You - Part 1

The Adventures of You - Part 3

Career Bullseye Posters

Career Bullseye Posters can be helpful to see how school subjects are linked to occupations.

The Coloured Career Bullseye Posters can be used to see where your favourite school subject could lead to.

The Interactive Careers Bullseye Posters directly link to information about each occupation. Use the registration instructions for myfuture found below to gain access.

The Adventures of You - Part 2

If Money Was No Object

Career quizzes can be a great starting point for exploring career ideas and comparing one quiz result to another to confirm your intuition.

The following career quizzes are ranked from simple to more complex.

The Good Careers Guide quiz is short, pictorial based, and answered using emojis.

The Australian Apprenticeship Pathways Quizzes are literacy and numeracy focused and test your Industry-specific knowledge.

The Deakin University Career Quiz is short and personality-based.

The Job Outlook Career Quiz requires selecting preferred job tasks.

The Open Colleges Careers Quiz is personality-based.

The Training.com.au Career Quiz provides results based on a combination of your skills, abilities and interests.

The Skillsroad Career Quiz requires registering to start and is more complex but worth the time.

The JobQuiz is in-depth and evaluates aptitude, talent, preferences, desires, environment, beliefs, intellectual capacity, stress, and entrepreneurial behaviours to produce results. 

The Activities section within myfuture's My Career Profile provides suggested careers after completion. Use the myfuture registration instructions below to register for myfuture.

Career Exploration, Planning & Management Tools

The following subscription-based resources have been selected to provide students with secure online platforms where they can explore, plan and manage their career interests, aspirations, values and goals to build a Career Profile, and devolop it over time.

Visit the JobJump website and use these JobJump Registration Instructions (PDF 115KB) and video to register.

Visit the myfuture website and use these myfuture Registration Instructions (PDF 94KB) to register.

Visit the Year 13 website and use these Year 13 Registration Instructions (PDF 123KB) and video to register.

Career Exploration, Further Education & Training Resources

In addition to the main resources above, these supportive resources have been selected to be the most reliable and helpful for students, parents and carers to help make informed career choices.

Workplace Learning

The school supports workplace learning where students gain practical experience and learn more about career choices. 

Workplace learning includes work experience for students who are at least 14, as well as work placement for students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. My Work Experience can help prepare students to be "work ready".

Workplace learning provides opportunities for students to:

  • explore first-hand the world of work
  • gain job-ready skills and knowledge
  • practice general and industry-specific skills
  • identify career options and pathways
  • be inspired about new work opportunities.

Explore more about Workplace Learning

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

The school supports students undertaking Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses delivered at the school, and externally through TAFE-delivered VET (TVET)

The school also supports students who wish to undertake School-Based Apprenticeships and Trainineeships (SBATs)

Explore more about Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses